New story in Pacifica Literary Review
New story in Pacifica Literary Review
The orbital spiders began to go to work in late August. The mornings still held the warmth of the previous night. The moths came out of the marshland across the street. They hit the deck lamp at the back of the house. When I walked the dog to the elementary playground and back at dusk, I could see the moths arrive like a snowfall in reverse. Their bodies white in the glare, drifted from the swampy ground into lamp light. An orbital spider had set her snare. From her prime location, she’d grown much larger than the competition. A spider must have logical limits of growth, and yet this spider’s size seemed determined by how many moths she ate. There was no logical limit to that. I have looked for her in the daylight to remove her so as not to make her angry. I don’t want to run into her golf ball sized abdomen in the dark. She has eat moths by the pound. At her current size she could consume sparrows, bats, stray chihuahuas. Read Message From the Moths by Matt Briggs in Pacifica Literary Magazine